AI Water
AI Water

AIoT Home is the Future

Viomi focuses on exploring the intelligentization of homes in the 5G era, and was the first to release a 5G IoT strategy, redefining the future home from the perspective of “creating new species of home appliances”. Thorough the integration of 5G+AI+IoT, it breaks down barriers between different types of smart appliances and leads the smart home industry to enter the era of a new interconnected future.

Holistic, smart, connected home lifestyle experience

Viomi has turned IoT @ Home into reality

Holistic, smart, connected home lifestyle experience
From isolated to holistic IoT @ Home scenario experience

From isolated to holistic IoT @ Home scenario experience

We hope that, each scene of the home is internet-based. Each screen can be separately used in the corresponding scene,

and the corresponding devices will interact spontaneously, not depending on mobile phone or particular equipment.

5G signal 5G signal
5G signalNew Species

5G signal
Whole house coverage

  • 30003000


    High-speed signal

  • 256256


    Device connection

Chip module Chip module
Chip moduleNew Species

Chip module Chip module

Give equipment the ability to respond quickly

  • Faster
    Transmit farther

    Transmit farther

  • Respond faster
    More stable connection

    Respond faster
    More stable connection

60+ categories 60+ categories


60+ categories
5G IoT@ Home Appliances

  • 60+ Smart Appliances Portfolio

  • Up to 250 devices can be connected

  • Software + hardware integrated solution

Breaking down barriers between different types of smart appliances

Breaking down barriers between different types of smart appliances

Speaker with a screen | Smart home control | Interaction

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